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Butler Ausbildung Österreich, Butler Lehrgang


The classic British old-school butler is rarely found, but the modern house manager takes his place. With the Butler School in Vienna, we offer the opportunity to enter the profession of domestic worker, housekeeper and butler with well-founded and up-to-date training or to expand your practical experience. We impart the knowledge that gives you the security to take over the management of an exclusive household.

Butler Ausbildung auf Burg Clam

6 weeks

This training opens doors and gates to exclusive private households for you. Proper management and in-depth expertise are required to run these properties prudently and perfectly. The aim of our training is to convey this and to prepare you for your career as a modern butler / house manager.

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4 weeks

Exclusive House Management

The training offers you the opportunity to take on the household management of an exclusive private household or to professionally expand your practical experience.

Butler Ausbildung auf Burg Clam

Fernlehrgang und 5-Praxistage

Exklusives Haushaltsmanagement

Die zweiteilige Berufsausbildung zur Haushaltshilfe bietet Ihnen die Möglichkeit in die Haushaltsführung eines exklusiven Privathaushalts einzusteigen bzw. Ihre Erfahrungen aus der Praxis professionell zu erweitern. Dabei erlernen Sie die theoretische Basis im Fernstudium und festigen Ihr Können in einer  Praxisausbildung. 

Koch der österreichischen Küche, Lehrgang

2 weeks

Austrian Cuisine Cooking Course

In our new cooking course, learn Austrian cuisine, the joy of cooking and everything that goes with it in order to be able to prepare culinary delicacies yourself.

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